VoxelFileReader.impl.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Defines class StructuredGeometryFileReader that provides a reader for waLBerla geometry files.

Christian Godenschwager chris.nosp@m.tian.nosp@m..gode.nosp@m.nsch.nosp@m.wager.nosp@m.@fau.nosp@m..de Note that the data is stored in binary form. There is no correction for other binary data representations on different architectures (e.g. different endianness)!


 \file TimestepTracker.h \ingroup lbm \author Frederik Hennig frede.nosp@m.rik..nosp@m.henni.nosp@m.g@fa.nosp@m.u.de


void walberla::geometry::validateCellInterval (const CellInterval &cellInterval)
 Validate if the given CellInterval can be converted to a CellAABB. More...
CellAABB walberla::geometry::toCellAABB (const CellInterval &cellInterval)
 Converts a CellInterval to a CellAABB. More...